There's another take on roots that i think is apropos: The notion of being "rooted to the spot" -- of not acting in a timely fashion when suddenly faced with danger, or some happenstance requiring an immediate response. Immediate being relative, of course; whether stepping back out of the way of an onrushing vehicle, or snatching up one'…
There's another take on roots that i think is apropos: The notion of being "rooted to the spot" -- of not acting in a timely fashion when suddenly faced with danger, or some happenstance requiring an immediate response. Immediate being relative, of course; whether stepping back out of the way of an onrushing vehicle, or snatching up one's suitcases and making for the train station.
There's another take on roots that i think is apropos: The notion of being "rooted to the spot" -- of not acting in a timely fashion when suddenly faced with danger, or some happenstance requiring an immediate response. Immediate being relative, of course; whether stepping back out of the way of an onrushing vehicle, or snatching up one's suitcases and making for the train station.
A typo: "on day later"